Say hello to my latest web app (or applet), the Setback Visualizer 1.0! Inspired by my “Can You Build on This Lot” Series, I built this web applet so that anyone can see if they can build on a lot of their choosing. This applet is easy to use. You just input the site dimensions in feet and then the setback requirements – which you can find in the zoning ordinances of your local municipality. The visualizer will automatically update, showing the maximum footprint of a structure for that particular lot. The applet is built in Svelte, so it is super fast and super reactive. Take it for a spin today. See which lots in your city can be developed with their current zoning, and without a setback variance.
Currently the applet only visualizes rectangular lots, but new features are on the way. If you have any questions or comments, send me a message. Also, if you want to see my applet on steroids, check out UrbanForm by the team over at Polytechnica.